Lincoln Guardians of Freedom_Don Thun

One of three Horseman, a P-51 Mustang formation aerobatic team, couldn't make it but the remaining two put on a great formation flying routine. They are seen…
A pair of F-18G Growlers in a tight formation photo pass
Grumman Hellcat on a high speed pass.
The Blue Angels Opposing Knife-Edge Pass‎
The F-35 C lightning II climbing out
The Navy Heritage Flight with the FG-1D Corsair followed by the F-35 C Lightning II and the F-18G Growler.
A rare treat to see a genuine WW II combat veteran. P-51, "Twilight Tear", on a photo pass carrying three crosses for the three kills it made during WW II.
The Blue Angels Diamond 360
The Blue Angels High-Show Bomb Burst
The F-35 C Lightning II demonstrating its vertical performance
The Blue Angels Left Echelon Roll
The Blue Angels Barrel Roll
The F-16 and the P-51, "Bald Eagle" formation photo pass
The Blue Angels completing the Diamond Dirty Loop
The Blue Angels Opposing Inverted Pass