U.S. MARINE CORPS F-35B LIGHTNING II making vapor trails as it climbs out.
The U.S. AIR FORCE F-22 RAPTOR maikes a high G turn
Randy W. Ball shows the Mig M-17's performance capabilities
The U.S. MARINE CORPS F-35B LIGHTNING demonstrates its ability to hover and land vertically like the Harrier it replaces.
Charles ìTunaî Hainline flys the P-51 Mustang, "Bum Steer" into a rolling climb
A tipsy spectator Ben Wabknoski, alias Kyle Franklin (not tipsy), steals Kyle's J-3 cub pretending tp not knowing how to fly and does the comedy Cub routine, a…
KIRBY CHAMBLISS: RED BULL AIR FORCE flying the Edge 540 recovers inverted from a tail slide.
U.S. NAVY BLUE ANGELS #5 and #6 perform an inverted dirty flat pass creating a mirror image effect
The U.S. MARINE CORPS F-35B LIGHTNING demonstrates its ability to rotate 360 degrees while hovering in place.
The P-51 Mustang, "Bum Steer" and the U.S. AIR FORCE F-22 RAPTOR flying the Air Force Heritage Flight
The U.S. AIR FORCE F-22 RAPTOR photo pass
The U.S. AIR FORCE F-22 RAPTOR makes a pass showing the open bomb bay doors.
The U.S. AIR FORCE F-22 RAPTOR makes a pass showing the open bomb bay doors.
Blue Angel #1 & #4 roll inverted simultaneously while #3 remains upright. Maintaining a diamond formation they commence a flat pass at 200 feet. #2 did not…
Blue Angels #5 and #6 execute an opposing 4 point roll head on pass