The SuperHornet Demo Team from VFA-106 Gladiator made an appearance at the 2021 Wing Over Houston AirShow. Here is pilot LT Amanda Lee and LT Tyler Sposato…

Driver Hayden Proffitt II in Hot Streak II Chevy Jet Truck smokes down the runway of the 2022 Duluth Air Show with the F-35 Lighting jet in front.

KC-135 Straotanker from the 6th Air Refueling Wing in McDill AFB takes off for their Aerial performance. In front the F-35 Demonstration Team's jet.

Major Kristin BEO Wolfe of the F-35 Demo team creating some vapors during the Dedication pass at the 2022 Duluth Air Show.

Major Kristin BEO Wolfe of the F-35 Demo team creating some vapors during the Dedication pass at the 2022 Duluth Air Show.

Randy W. Ball in his MiG-17F Taking off in afterburner for his performance at the 2022 Duluth Air Show.

Randy W. Ball in his MiG-17F Taking off in afterburner for his perfromance at the 2022 Duluth Air Show.

The Solo Thunderbirds execute the one of the many Crosses in thier domostration at the 2022 Duluth Air Show